The future is feminine

Posted by Asha on

"There's something so special about a woman who dominates in a man's world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer."


Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. It is closely aligned with female empowerment – a fundamental human right that’s also key to achieving a more peaceful, prosperous world.

Women's empowerment equips and allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society. They may have the opportunity to redefine roles or other such roles, which in turn may allow them more freedom to pursue desired goals.

Empowerment enables girls and women to develop their solutions to their problems and support them to transform their own lives, families, and communities.

Women’s empowerment is a part to encourage women to feel strong by telling them that they can do everything that they want to do. Women can work outside their homes, have the opportunity to make up their minds. Women are not dependent on men. They can earn money to support their family by working through their abilities.

Here are some ways you can empower women.

Compliment her mind and soul—not just her body.

We all like to be told we're beautiful, and we also love to hear we are brilliant, kind, dedicated, strong, etc. Pay forward the unexpected compliments. Sending positive messages to one another is a great way to empower, encourage, and sustain one another. Show up, pitch in, and mean it. That's empowering

Offer support to all women, including the "strong" ones.

Don't make assumptions about which one of your woman friends most needs help and support. Gift all of your friend’s check-in time to see how they are caring for their mental and emotional health.

Support women-run businesses.

Many female entrepreneurs lack adequate support in the form of funding or sweat equity. Invest your time and/or money in competent, capable women who are making an impact

Say you're a feminist.

Ditch the qualifiers and the hesitation when it comes to using the F-word. Say you are a feminist, even if it's uncomfortable. A feminist is just someone who believes in equal rights for all.

Do not get competitive with other women.

Stop competing with each other in the 'race to the bottom’. Dimming someone else's light does not make yours shine brighter."

"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."

-G.D. Anderson

We at ASHA want to empower women, help them love themselves, believe in themselves, and lead an independent and self-sufficient life. With every stick we sell we donate to support women by joining hands with well-known organizations, that work for women empowerment. CAMFED has been focused on alleviating poverty in Africa by educating girls and turning them into future leaders of their societies. KIVA specializes in giving loans to women, who want to be independent and start their businesses, and GIRLS NOT BRIDES focuses on the world's hugest problem - Child Marriage. It brings together around 1300 organizations from 100 countries across the globe to fight this frightening and persistent cause of women’s inequality.

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